
In this section we collect all links of interest for Organic Chemistry.


Who finds interesting links and wants to make them available, can report them to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. writing as a subject of the message [iOrgChem Link].

1) link to the Virtual Book of Organic Chemistry. Developed by Prof. William Reusch at Michigan State University, it was then translated into Italian by a High School Institute of the region Campania.

2) links to exercises of site Nomenclatures 101-University of Ottawa: thanks to Alyson b. Flynn, University of Ottawa

2) links to exercises on Nomenclature based on "Trivial Names": thanks to Prof. Norbert Haider of the University of Vienna.

3) Link to exercises on Organic Synthesis (basic level): thanks to Prof. Norbert Haider of the University of Vienna.

4) Link to the OPSIN program developed at the University of Cambridge. The program allows you to obtain the structural formula of a substance, given the name.

5) link to the ChemInteractive site: Exercise about Nomenclature, Stereochemistry and Reactivity at UCD - Dublin. Thanks to Prof. Mike Casey, UCD - Dublin, Ireland.